Ella's first Thunder Game
Chris, Nic, Ella and I went to her first NBA basketball game the other night. She loved it! She loved the lights and kept those curious eyes opened the whole game. We went with some friends and they have 3 boys, 7,6, and 10 months. Ella had her eye on the 10 month old, and though he was pretty neat. She's really getting into watching other babies and she has a constant smile on her face while checking them out..too cute. Nic and his friend Ryan just had to have a foam finger for the game, and as you can tell in the picture Nic is very excited about it. Nic loves going to Thunder games, and it's fun seeing him learn the sport and getting into the games.
She's growing up too fast
Chris put together Ella's jumperoo Saturday night and she loved it the first time she sat it in. She has such strong legs and is always kicking them, so we thought she might like her Jumperoo...we were right! She jumps all over the place, and sometimes her legs get going so fast and crazy it looks like she is going to throw herself out! Hope you enjoy the video!
I just had to....
When I saw this little lady bug costume, I just couldn't resist. I told myself I wasn't going to dress her up this year, but what's Halloween without my little lady bug. Here are some pictures I got of her first Holiday!
Also, today in the car (while I was sitting in back with Ella- I know, I'm THAT mom)she laughed out loud! It was the cutest thing. I was acting silly, talking nonsense in a goofy voice (what mom's do best) and she laughed 3 times in a row. Hearing it made me start laughing even harder and we had our first moment laughing together. However, when Chris and I were trying to get her to do it for my parents tonight of course she wouldn't. I think she knew what we were trying to get her to do, but she just couldn't remember how to do it. She was trying so hard for us though.
She did it! Tonight Ella actually rolled over from her back to her stomach for the first time (10 weeks). I haven't been able to get a picture yet, but I will get one up when I catch that little squirt in the act (I swear I'm not lying). We knew our little girl had a stong head and neck, but her stomach must be pretty fit as well. She has been entertaining the idea for a few weeks now, but I still can't believe she finally did it. It all started when she would loose her binki and she would turn her head so far to the side trying to find it that her little body would follow. She almost rocks her way over, squeezing every single muscle in her body kicking those sweet little legs as hard as she can. She has been able to get on her side, but never been able to make it all the way over (that dang arm!!). I started screaming as soon as I could tell she wasn't getting stuck on her side and Chris got to catch her actually rolling over on her stomach! I still can't believe it, this shouldn't be happening, right? Little girl, you better slow it down!
My 2 Month Old Cupcake
Ella is now 2 months old and as happy as she can be. She's smiling a ton and just started to talk to us. It's funny how she sticks out her tongue when she's trying to talk, and she is entertained by the different sounds she can make (some of them scare her - so cute). We have started to suppliment 3-4 oz bottles of formula into her daily feeding (7 weeks) and she is doing great. She's still eating about every 3 hours, but sleeps at night from 10PM to 7AM without feeding. It's definetly a lot easier giving her a bottle, but I still enjoy "our" nursing times too. She's finally outgrown her newborn diaper and clothes and we're getting to enjoy some 0-3 month outfits- YEAH. However, since I though she would have been bigger (and would have worn these the past couple of months)all the 0-3 month outfits I bought are a little out of season. She is still loving her activity mat - especially her green giraffe that rattles and the yellow lion, and LOVES LOVES reading books. She has already taken an interest in her brother's favorite book "Wheels on the Bus". When we get to "The wipers on the bus go swish, swish, swish", her little legs go crazy and she tries to touch them as they move (it's a movable parts books). Another of her favorite we read before bed is "Good Night Moon". This was one of her daddy's favorites when he was litte, and we enjoy carrying on the tradition. She's adapted well to her routine, with the execptions to the occasionally selfish nights I bring her to bed with me because I miss her. She's a SUPER baby...we couldn't have gotten any luckier.
Ella weighs 9 1/2 pounds
Va-ca Part II
After a four hour drive to Branson, we continued our second half of our vacation. We meet up with my mom and dad and sister and her husband and my little brother (and his new girlfriend)for a dinner cruise Friday night, followed by a cold day at Silver Dollar City the next morning. Nic really enjoyed himself at Silver Dollar City and rode the Powder Keg roller coster with Chris and I. He is such a brave little boy - I was still shaking for about 2 minutes after we got off the ride. This rollercoaster went 65 mph and had 4 HUGE drop offs. He was so funny one time and screamed like a little girl (which I don't blame him), then looked at me and said "Mom, it's OK if I scream on this ,right". After the ride we went to one of those ovrpirced booths to look at our picture they took of us during the roller-coster. And of course, we just had to get it - the look on Nic's face was priceless. Maybe I can get that piture scanned to show- it's quit hillarious. My mom and dad spent the day watching Ella and were a pretty proud Nana and Papa. We really enjoyed our time together with my mom and dad and it was neat for them to get to enjoy time with the kids. However, the trip wore all of us out. Nic got a cough Sunday night when we arrived home and I didn't feel good all day Monday, Tuesday, or Wednesday. I went to the doctor and I'm on a z-pack, anitbiotics, and having to take a breathing treatment every four hours....YUCK! Ella seems fine though (thank goodness).
Ella's First Vacation
Chris and I got a wild hair and decided to take the kids on a vacation over fall break. It also seemed like a good use of my maternity leave, since I have to go back in 2 weeks (boo hoo!!) We drove 10 hours to St. Louis on Thursday and we were all VERY excited when we saw the city lights. Ella did great, slept most of the time and Nic also did a very good job keeping himself entertained. We enjoyed a nice dinner that night then we all went back and past out. We brought Ella's pack and play and she slept all night until 8AM the next morning. On Friday we stopped by the City Museum in downtown St. Louis on our way to Branson. It was one of the neatest kids museums I have ever been too...a definite MUST if you are in the area. Nic enjoyed about 5 hours of non-stop play, and climbed 7 stories to a suspended airplane in the sky and climbed out through a wire tunnel (still suspenede 7 stories in the air). Chris ventured along and I caught a frieghtned snapshot of his face while him and Nic were looking down from the wire tunnel (it was quite amuzing). Ella and I enjoyed walking around having some girl time together. Before we made our way to Branson (where my familiy was) Chris wanted to stop by and get some pictures of the kids by the arch. Ella's first visit to a landmark...It was a fun day!
My Binki Buddie
We finally found it! Ella is such a binki girl and has to have it to fall asleep (no mater how tired she is). Although she tries her hardest, sometimes she just can't keep it in which leads to numerous trips to her room at night "helping" her out. When I was out shopping the other day I saw this idea and thought... this is our answer to our small little problem. Ella now has her Binki buddy to help hold her binki in, and also it gives her a little something bigger to hold on to. Why didn't I think of that?
I think she's going to be a red head!
Ella was born with dark dirty blonde hair and blue eyes, and everyone (especially me) was surprised she didn't have red hair. My grandpa and dad and Chris's grandpa and mom all have red hair. We also have many aunts, cousins, and siblings that were given this "special" Lamer/Easley trait. In some ways I didn't know if I wanted her to have all the generic things that go with red hair (pale skin, freckles, ect), but when she came out without it (to my surprise)I was a little disappointed.
However, as everthing does, I believe her hair color is changing to red. I will have my little Pippi Longstocking with pigtails and freckles and couldn't be happier.
Happy Halloween from Our Little Pumpkin
Ella and I played dress up today and took some Halloween pictures for her grandparents. I couldn't decide if I wanted to get her a halloween costume this year or not. Of course she would look cute in one, but I didn't really think it would get used. So, instead of a costume, we just got a Halloween outfit, and she was a true pumpkin! Happy Halloween
The worst night of my life (so far)...
Ella was 3 weeks old when she had her first visit to the hospital. I was getting her ready for her bath and undressing her on her changing table when a decorative piece above the mirror (over the changing table) fell right on her head. She immediately turned bright red and had the most painful look on her face. It hurt her so bad it took about 10 seconds to let out a scream. I started shaking and screaming for Chris histerically, and we immediately drove her to the hospital. I'm sure everyone there thought that someone had died, the way I was acting. I could not stop crying and couldn't even talk clear enough for them to understand me, good thing it only took Chris about a minute to park the car. She ended up having to have a cat scan, but everything turned out to be ok. Poor little girl, I didn't let go of her for the next 24 hours.
I'm sure more is yet to come....yuck!
Bath Time
Ella really loves her baths. We always do it in our smallest bathroom and turn on the heater for about 5 minutes before we put her in to make sure it's nice and warm for her. We have been doing that since her first bath and as soon as we hit the switch to turn on the fan and smile instantly comes across her face. We're lucky she loves them so much, because i don't know how you could bath a baby that was kicking and screaming...it's hard enough as it is. The other day Chris, Ella, and I went to a friends house and of course she starts crying the second we walk in. So I took her in the bathroom and hit a swith (just happened to be the fan) and like magic she stopped crying. I think she was probably a little upset she didn't get a bath, but hey, it worked for me.
Such a Strong Girl
We did think it was a bit odd that our little girl could pretty much hold her head up since day one, but at 4 weeks Ella was sitting in her Bumbo seat all by herself for about 3-5 minute intervals. Chris and I were amazed that she did so good. I finally caught a picture of her at 6 weeks sitting in her chair. She usually likes the sit in her chair and read books, or sit on the table and eat dinner with us. She would much rather be sitting up like a big girl at any given time. I just hope she doesn't grow up too fast for us!
Daddy's Solution
My litte leopard
Ella is now 6 weeks old. She is cooing and trying to say "HI". I have been greeting her with a smile and saying "HI, pretty girl" when she wakes up from her naps since she was one day old. She has finally caught on and really tries hard to mimic it exactly as it sounds. Chris and I were teasing her the other night, trying to get her to show off then all of the sudden something VERY similar sounding to "HELLO" left that small little mouth. Chris and I looked at each other and laughed thinking....she is a show off.
One Month and Oh so fun!!
Oh how four weeks flew by! Ella is growing stronger ever day and learning new "tricks" all the time. Chris and I (and Nic) are all really enjoying watching her grow. She has started to smile at a familar face and the feeling is nothing like I have ever experienced. There's something about our little girl's smile that gives you an instant all over warm feeling. I have begun sticking my toungue out at her while changing her on the changing table and she has began to mimic it. It is just too cute watching her try and try again until she finds that opening to stick it through. She is holding her head up by herself and we have started introducing her to her activity mat friends. She's so much fun. She is weights about 8 pounds and is finally starting to outgrow her newborn outfits.
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