What a weekend

Since we were snowed in and away from work since Thursday, Ella and I have been having a great time together! She is reaching for me all the time and I can't help but to love it. She is not interested in her toys when I am in the room and constantly wants me to hold her. I know this is just a short phase she will be in, but I'm trying to soak it all in for I know when she is four years old like Nic that will not longer be the case. Here a are a few pictures of my precious girl. Love you sugars.

Smarty Pants

Ella has loved books since she was about 6 weeks old and caught on very fast to turning the pages of her books. She has been doing this for about 3 1/2 months and has really become a pro. Here she is tonight showing off her page turning skills when Chris was reading some bed time stories with her. She is so funny and when she's ready for a new page you better not stop her!

Chris also thought Ella would enjoy looking at her beautiful chandelier up close. I guess he forgot she grabs everything in sight...especially if it's shiny! As soon as she got close enough to touch it her little hand locked around the stand of beads. She was stuck there for awhile because Chris's hands were obviously full and I was too short to release her grip. Sure enough our little monkey let go when I got out the camera to take a picture...turn out she likes the camera better!

What a nice day.

Today it was a beutiful 65 degrees out so when we got home we decided to spend our evening outdoors, especially since we will more than likely be stuck inside for a few days because of the winter ice/snow storm moving in tonight. It's amazing to me that Nic was outside in shorts and a t-shirt riding his scooter and tomorrow he will be bundled up with gloves and a heavy coat. Lately, we have been trying to get Ella outside in the fresh air and sunlight as much as we can. She is getting better about sitting in her stroller but our walks always end with her in either mine or Chris's arms. Here is a one of her in the stroller on our walk, and Nic on his electric scooter!

After we got back our routine started with fixing dinner, feeding Ella, then bath time. Nic was so exhausted and fell asleep at 7:15 so that left Ella to take a bath by herself. I decided to not waste water to fill up the big tub just for her so we had our bath in the sink tonight! It was the perfect size and it was nice not having to bend over to wash her. Here she is sticking out her tongue, silly silly girl!

Happy Birthday Papa

Sunday we celebrated my dad's birthday! My family came over and we had a big feast of Itailian food, chocolate cake, and ice cream! We all had a great time and enjoyed spending time with everyone. After lunch, Nana and Papa stayed to babysit Ella while Nic, Chris, and I went to see the Harlem Globetrotters. Nic really enjoyed it and when we got home was excited to show off his new 'tricks'. We had a busy but fun weekend!

A tribute to the "O" face

This is Ella's new favorite new face. I'm not sure what it is about this that she is so interested in, but we I could not get her to stop! She has also started saying da-da-da-da. Chris is eager to claim it as her first word however I'm holding out until she says momma. Everytime we look at her we're amazed at how fast she has changed and how much she is growning up!

Ella and Dylan's Playdate.

Ella had her friend over tonight to play and they had so much fun. Little Dylan is such a cutie and Ella was very interested in her! Here are a few picutures of them...didn't get one of them together this time!

Life's Little Blessings.

These two are a handful at times, but we couldn't imagine life without them. They already have such a special relationship and just adore each other. After school Nic can't hardly keep his hands off her, and Ella won't take her eyes off him. We woke up hearing Nic on the monitor the other morning saying in a cute baby high pitched voice to Ella in her crib "Do you want to see your momma, do you want to see your dadda". Then he continued with singing her a song. He had no idea we could hear and see him. It was super sweet, and it's neat to see the love and relationship they have already.

Silly Girl

Here are couple picture from last weekend. Got to love the O FACE.

Ella's Favorite Shoes

So Ella has a shoe fetish...or maybe I do? But anyhow, these have to be Ella's favorite shoes! She stares like crazy at her cute little feet everytime I put them on her. Last night when we were at Nic's basketball practice Ella wanted to 'walk' around. She literally will take step after step leaning forward as if she can't get there fast enough. We didn't put shoes on her (just socks) because I didn't realize a five month old NEEDED them. She is growing up too fast. Another funny thing that Ella has started doing is chasing Nic around the house. Nic runs from us and Ella and I chase him. Ella gets her little legs kicking so hard while laughing like crazy. It's really pretty sweet.

Go Garber

Saturday night Ella and I drove to Enid to watch Uncle Bryce play basketball. He had a great game, leading the team with 21 points and winning the Skeltur Tournament. Our little cheerleader had so much fun watching the game and spending time with our family. We stayed with Aunt Nae Nae and Uncle Jeff after the game then woke up Sunday morning and drove to Nana and Papa's house for some good 'ol breakfast!

In the pictures with Ella are: Grandpa Ronnie (Ella's great grandpa), Nana, and Aunt Nae Nae.

She's so much fun.

Chris and I really enjoyed our night with Ella. She wouldn't quit chewing on her finger (even if when Chris turned her upside down)! I think she's back in the teething stage because she has had her hands in her mouth for the past two days. Also, a new thing that Ella does is covers her eyes when she eats. At first we thought she just did this because she was tired, but that's not the case. For some reason everytime she has a bottle her hands go straight to her eyes... it's too cute.

Ella...What are you doing??

About a week before Ella's 5th month birthday she started standing by herself for a minute or two at a time. Chris started her up against one of our chairs, and she has loved 'standing' since then. She looks like such a big girl in these pictures, I can't believe that is my baby. It makes me sad to see her like this because I know before too long those little feet are going to start trying to take a step. She is getting more and more confident about standing and today while playing house, she did a one hander for the first time! Your growing up to fast Ella!

Love Her

I know that God must love me, He showed me with His Grace
I knew just how completely when I saw my Ella's face.
And in that very moment when she came into my world,
I knew that she was so much more than just my baby girl.

She would be my sunshine, with a sweetness that won't end.
And when she grows up one day she would be my closest friend.
She would be the reason that I would always try my best.
For my little angel Ella is my treasure in my chest.

I love you so much Ella!

Month FIVE

Oh and the fun begins! I thought the first picture would be a good set up for the month. Your personality has really shown through this month Ella, and what a ham you are!

Yet again, we can't believe how big Ella has grown to be. Here are some of her newest for month five:

Loves being held.
In size 2-3 diapers.
Loves pulling up and standing up.
Lost ALL of her hair.
Wears 6-12 month clothes.
Can sit up by herself (until she gets too excited).
LOVES her Wheels on the Bus book.
Loves everything about Nicolas.
Wishes she could walk!
Started taking bathes in the big tub (with bubbles- which she loves).
Dunked herself in the tub (didn’t even phase her).
Eats veggies and fruit for lunch and dinner and still takes 6 oz bottles in-between feedings.
Likes to sleep on her right side right with her face up against the bumper pads (totally her choice).
Sleeps in her crib from 9:00PM – 8:00AM.
Busy, busy, busy. Always looking and wanting to touch things.
Likes pulling her pan off her play kitchen stove – over and over. She thinks she’s pretty neat.
Still has to have her pluggie to fall asleep.
Doesn’t like getting her clothes or diaper changed. You have to be quick!
Laughing independently, instead of having to tickle her, ect…
Understands the sign for ‘bottle’ (we have a couple baby sign language words we do with her.)

And lastly...She arches her back when she wants out of her seat or wants to stand up. (see pictures for example)

She’s been our little sunshine through this cold and gloomy winter month!


Ella and Nic enjoyed their first bath together. Nic was excited to play with his old bath toys and Ella was excited to be introduced to them. Nic showed Ella how he used to play with them and Ella was soaking up everything he was doing. She loved having a playmate!


Ella has enjoyed taking baths in the big bath tub....with bubbles. Here is a picture of her tonight cheezin it up in the tub!

Today Ella, Chris and I went to the mall for a litle shopping. I needed some new glasses, Chris got a massage, and Ella found her some sunglasses at Baby Gap. Her reaction after putting them on was the funniest thing I have seen in awhile. First off she wasn't quite sure what was on her face so she kept turning her head from side to side trying to get them off. I was laughing so hard other people in the store starting starring and laughing too. After she got use to them she thought she was pertty neat. Chris got a picture with his phone...look at that pose!