Who's Ball....Thunder ball

We had tickets to the Thunder game Friday night and Ella was quite the cheerleader and Nic was VERY excited to go to a game. They both did suprisingly great and made it the whole game and we even received many compliments from the neighboring seats on how good our kids were...boy if they only knew -ha. Since we had all had some kind of illness for a three week spread we were very eager to all get out and do something together.

7 Months

WHERE IS ELLA? She has fully transformed from a newborn to a full blown infant this month. She is now VERY mobile and is loving every second of it. It was God’s decision to make her full of energy and very strong willed, and she has not let him down yet! She has such personality and it’s amazing to watch her transformation over the past month. Here are a few things for month 7:

Crawling in full force.
Pulling up and walking while holding onto furniture.
Cut her first 2 teeth!
Continues to say dada, and we think she is associating it with Chris.
Had to lower her crib because she was trying to climb out (and she HATES it now).
Loves playing with toys and watching her Baby Einstein videos.
Drinks from her sippy cup at lunch and dinner.
Eating Stage 2&3 baby foods, along with cheese and bread
Says mama in silence. She puts her lips together and whispers mamama (I melt every time!).
6 oz bottles every 4-5 hours
Size 3 diapers.
Love Cheerios and yogurt melts
Wants to try all and any adult food…and we let her!
Learned to say bubu (we like to thinks it’s her way of saying Buby- Nic’s nickname).
Can retrieve her small toys from the toy box by herself
Doesn’t like to lay still on her back (diaper changes are a nightmare)!
Enjoys walking in her walker; following us around the kitchen.
Still likes her pluggie to fall asleep
Recognized familiar faces (and will stare you down if she thinks she should know you)
Tried a playground swing for the first time and her smile couldn’t have gotten any bigger!

We couldn’t imagine life without our precious Elle. What an amazing gift!

She's getting good.

Here is a clip of Ella crawling to her mama tonight! She is really getting this stuff down, and has moved on to pulling herslf up and walking behind her walker. I can't believe you are only six months old and doing this already Ella!

Fun Fun with Claire Bear

Ella has such a great time playing with new things. Who knew she would already be good at air hockey? She is so curious and you can almost see her brain turning when you put anyting 'new' infront of her. Here is a picture of her with her great grandma Sandra passed out after an afternoon playing hard .