2 year old tantrums (great)

Here is Ella's mad face (the real one)

Ella fits usually end up flattened out on the floor kicking and crying!

So Ella has been testing the water a LOT lately! She is constantly challenging us to see just what she can get away with. Many have advised us to "pick your battles", but I feel like everything is a worthy battle to pick. If I turn my head on one thing it seems like she is scheming up the next to get a reaction from me. I just feel VERY helpless right now and need some parenting advise or books on 2 year olds!

Today might have sparked my frustration because we have gymnastics on Tuesday mornings. It's been hell (sorry that's how I need to describe it) the past two weeks trying to hold Olivia and keep her content while chasing around an independent 20 month old doing everything her teachers wants her NOT to do. Her gymnastics coach is great - she expects them to sit and listen, take turns, ect... - but Ella again is testing EVERYTHING. Why can't she just do what the other kids are doing and SIT STILL? I do have to note that she got moved up to the older 2-3 year old class because they thought she was getting bored with the kids her age. She is very advanced in the things her little body can do and the 4 year old coach today said (hopefully jokingly) "Can we just fast track her to my class since she can already almost do chin up pull overs on the bar". I just laughed, there is NO WAY. She has to learn to listen, sit still, and be able to take directions well; oh and there better be a "Yes Ma'am or Sir at the end of that"- ha. I love this child but it's going to be a very trying time for me over the next few months - please pray for me.

As challenging as this might seem, I know I'm going to look back some day and miss these days. Chris was a monitor for the 3rd grade class at Nick's school today for IOWA testing and he just reminded me to enjoy these days, because "they are going to be all grown up 3rd graders sitting still and quiet at their desk with a pencil in their hand reading things you and I can read.'' I just keep telling myself "Embrace this time, these challenges, and know some day you will be begging for this time back".

I just want to document these days to look back on some day and hopefully laugh about. Here is a typical fit from the wonderfully dramatic Ella Claire:

1 comment:

  1. Oh Miss Ella, you are your friend Lucy are two little peas in a pod right now. Lucy's new favorite word to EVERYTHING is NO! Definitely testing my patience lately as well, so I totally feel ya Laren. I think we've entered the Terrible Two's, haha!
