Olivia:8 months

"Livi" is who she is better known as around the house!

Look at that sweet grin

"All Done" - she is getting good at signing "all done" and "more"

Precious girl

It's hard to believe Olivia is already 8 months old! This month she has really let her personality shine. She is giggling all the time and wants to be a part of whatever Nick and Ella are doing! She has been such an easy going baby and just goes with whatever we have to do. I feel a little bad because I haven't been on a strict routine with her, but she has learned to be a flexible and patient child~She melts my heart.

Here are some things Olivia is doing this month:

Crawling full force; Bear crawl on the tile and wood floors (too cute)
Pulling up and attempting to take steps to close objects
Feeding herself green beans, carrots, corn, and peas
Loves saltine crackers
Learned to clap her hands
Sleeps from 7pm-7am
Is my little chunky monkey (gosh I love those fat legs)
Has 8 Teeth now (rough month)
Celebrated her first 4th of July
Wears size 3 diaper
Sits in the big bath by herself
Loves being held
Drinks from her sippy cup
Laughs out loud on her own (she literally cracks herself up)
Loves reading books
Has discovered her "favorite" doll (she can't go anywhere without it)
Has the cutest little smile
Is babbling more and more
Likes listening to music (she gets so tickled when I put in a kids CD)

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