Month 4

As you can tell from the pictures above this month Ella has really put on some weight! I can't believe how fast they change and how much of a big girl she has become. Here are some of her newest for the month:

Eats 1 Tbs. of Rice cereal for dinner (a week before 4 months)
Still takes 6 oz bottles every 2-3 hours
Size 2 diapers
Rolls over from back to front and front to back.
Grabbing and holding onto her toys.
Scooting while on her belly.
Laughing out loud while tickling her.
Laughing out loud at funny faces and sounds (just in the past week).
Can pick up blocks off the floor.
Started playing the drop and pick-up game with her spoon while eating.
Turns the pages when reading her books
Loves giving kisses (so slobbery, but so so sweet!)
Really likes her daddy
Learned how to splash in the bath
Tries so sit up
Rolled off the couch (I know this is not good, but something to remember)
Loves her baby sitter Judy (she is great!)
Took her first dose of teething medicine (teething tablets, oragel, and tylenol)
Slobbering A LOT!
Likes to chew on her toys (everything goes in her mouth).
Sleeps on her belly
Likes to stand and jump in your lap when holding her.

Ok, I'll stop there. This month she just really seemed to be taking everything in and trying new things. She's adorable and our world!

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